1. What exactly is #Levenscrisis?

The word “levenscrisis” is a Latin phrase meaning “life crisis” in the English language. This
the platform is founded to teach young individuals how to rise above life crises.

2. What does #Levenscrisis do?

It is a mentorship program that helps young individuals harness their potential and equip them
with the resources and information needed to navigate the above crises both within and outside
higher institutions.

3. Can I be a part of the program?

The program is founded to help both graduates and undergraduates of various universities in
diverse countries.

4. What do I expect if I get selected?

The mentorship program is established to teach youth about self-development, work, and life
balance, and guide them with the right information about their career.

5. What is Levenscrisis Aspiration?

Levenscrisis mentorship is founded to mentor above one million youth from diverse countries
within the lifespan of fifty years to rise above life crises.

6. Why should I enroll?

It is a great opportunity to; start a journey to change your life, and have insights and inspiration into
who you are, and upgrade your life and life balance on your journey to success.

7. What will I be exposed to?

You will be equipped with the right information and essential resources to navigate and rise
above a life crisis.

8. What should I have to qualify?

To qualify for the program; you must be a graduate or an undergraduate of a university in any
country and must be ready to be committed throughout the program.

9. What do I need to get myself started?

A phone with good network service and do ensure you apply for the program.

10. Is the Levenscrisis program free?

Yes, it is a free two-week intensive mentorship program.

11. How do I join the Levenscrisis mentorship program?

To join the program, click on “Apply” on the homepage at www.levenscrisis.com.